Saturday, 8 February 2025

February Meeting Tuesday 11th 7.30pm

“The Major UK Heists and the Geezers what did’em”💰

Talk by Barry Faulkner


    GFWI Events

    All the information about events & booking forms will be on display at the meeting

    Please check your digital copy of GFWI news to check events which need to be booked and paid for at this months meeting. If you are not attending the meeting and would like to book an event, please email

    Make sure if you book an event, you pay  when you have filled in the appropriate paperwork. 


    We will be asking you to cast your votes for NFWI Board of Trustees.

    Glevum Groups for Glevum Members


    Book Club Mon 17th February 2pm to discuss “Perfect” by Rachel Joyce.

    Hosted by Viv B  📚

    Scrabble Tue 18th February 2pm Hosted by Viv W  ✐

    Knit &Natter Tue 25th February 2pm Hosted by Joy 𐂝

                                  NEXT MEETING TUES 11TH MARCH 

     “Wild Hogs Hedgehog rescue”

    A talk by

    Emily Harper


Saturday, 14 December 2024

                                          Glevum Wi has had a busy time leading up to Christmas  and are                                                                looking forward to 2025 which is our
                                                               50th Anniversary !

We decided we would like to learn a bit more about making a Christmas Wreath,

 Luckily Doreen, one of our members was well practised, so last week 15 ladies were ready and willing to greate some master pieces. We had  fun deciding how and what to put on the wreaths, Some were very traditional others more modern. With a  cup of tea and some lovely cakes made by the commitee the morning was very sucessful.

These are some of the photos showing some very proud Glevum members with their creations.

I think this might be a yearly event.!!!

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Program 2025

              Hello Everyone!

              Here is our new programme for 2025!

                        Thanks to our programme organiser Doreen who has done a grand job,

                       Its not always easy to find speakers, But I think this coming year looks great.

                  It also Glevums 50th Anniversary in Sept 2025 which makes it  even more special.

                                                        Glevum WI programme 2025.

                                                        11th February 

                                                            Barry Faulkner

                                            The Major UK Heists and the Geezers what did them 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               11th March

                                                            Emily Harper

                                              Wild Hogs Hedgehogs Rescue 

                                                             8th April 

                                                               Justin Hobbs

                                                        From the Fire Service 

                                                                           13th May

                                                                     Andrew Evans 

                                                             Chiropractor and Healer

                                                                           10th June                            

                                                                          Ione Woodger

         Flower arranging 

    8th July

                                                        Outing Ideas please let the committee know                                                Details to follow 

12th August 

Pamela Holland 

Tales of a Travel Rep

9th September 

Members social evening

14th October 

Glevum WI birthday celebration with a golden theme 

11th November 


9th December

Christmas meeting


Thursday, 24 October 2024

 At our meeting on Tuesday 8th October which was held on the wetest evening so far this year!! We all created some  interesting canvas art! I have to be honest some were a lot better than others that defo includes mine.

 Some of the  members have a wonderful hidden talent and some did not!

It was organised by our lovely talented  member Julie, who is a great crafter and showed us how to bring out our creative side.

See a asmple of the magnificant creations, Members agreed they really enjoyed the whole evening.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

                               October meeting Tuesday 8th A Craft evening with 

                      🖌Julie Huggett Bring an apron with you to protect your clothes.

                            GFWI Events Please check your digital copy of GFWI news to check events

                            which need to be booked and paid for at this months meeting.

   Make sure if you book an event you pay Emma when you have filled in the appropriate paperwork.

                                          Glevum Groups for Glevum Members

                                Book Club Mon 21st October 2pm Book The Binding by Bridget Collins,📚

                                                                     hosted by Joy Mills, 

                                                          Scrabble Tues 22nd October 2pm 

                                                                hosted by Viv Woodger,


                                                       Knit &Natter Mon 29th October 2pm

                                                                hosted by Kath Delaney 

                                      Anniversary Lunch Wednesday 6th November 

                                 Cafe Rene has been booked 12.00 noon for our lunch. 

   We will require your choices in writing at the October meeting payment will be direct to       Cafe Rene on the day. If you are not attending the October meeting and would like to go     please email or phone with your requirements. 01452 421510. Menus and further information can be found in the email sent Thursday 3rd October.

                                           Christmas wreath making & coffee morning 

.                   Monday 9th December 10.00-12.00 At Robinswood Social Club Fox Elms Road 

                    The wreath making list is now closed. Members & non-members are welcome to                                      come to the social morning for coffee & cake. Members are free, non-members £3.00.

                                            December meeting 10th December 

                                            Love 2 sing Choir & American Supper

 There will be a list at the October meeting for you to indicate if you think you will be coming to the December meeting. 

We would also like an indication of the type of food you will be bringing, just if it will be sweet or savoury. (An ‘American Supper’ is where members attending bring food for all to share)

 Trip to Bristol 10th April 2025🕺

There are still seats available for members & visitors to use the coach booked for our trip to the Bristol Hippodrome to go shopping in Bristol or even book your own seats for the show and use the coach for transport. It is about a 10 minute walk from where the coach will drop us off to the main shopping centre. The cost will be £10.00 per person. Please let Emma know if you would like to book a seat.

                                                Next meeting Tuesday 12th November 

                       Glevum  Meeting & Auction. We need items to auction so check your                                   cupboards for any items you can donate. Don’t forget to check the blog for updates                                                                           💰


Saturday, 7 September 2024

                                                              September Meeting  Tuesday 10th     

                                                                       Jump into Autumn🍂


An introduction to Pam Ayres and other poems 


GFWI Events

Please check your digital copy of GFWI news to check events which need to be booked and paid for at this months meeting. 

Make sure if you book an event you pay Emma when you have filled in the appropriate paperwork. 



Glevum Groups for Glevum Members

Book Club Mon 16th September 2pm Book The Lido by Libby Page

hosted by Lorraine Lloyd 52 Laburnum Road, Gloucester GL1 5PQ

Scrabble Tues 17th September 2pm hosted by Emma Nash 72 Holbeach Drive, Kingsway, Gloucester GL2 2BF

Knit &Natter 24th September 2pm hosted by Julie Huggett 7, King Edwards Ave, Gloucester GL1 5DA


Trip to Bristol 10th April 2025

There are seats available for members & visitors to use the coach booked for our trip to the Bristol Hippodrome to go shopping in Bristol. It is about a 10 minute walk from where the coach will drop us off to the main shopping centre. The cost will be £10.00 per person. Please let Emma know if you would like to book a seat. 


Christmas wreath making & coffee morning. 9/12/24 10.00-12.00

At Robinswood social club Fox Elms Road

We are taking names for this event, please sign up at the next meeting if you wish to take part in the wreath making. Wreath bases will be available, you will need to provide foliage, flowers or ornaments you want to use. Also a black bin bag, scissors and cutters. More information to follow. 



October meeting Tuesday 8th

Craft evening with Julie 


Dont forget to check the blog for updates



Monday, 2 September 2024

August information


Tuesday 13th August St Barnabas Hall

Zimbabwe Steam Safari Adventure

A talk by Peter Berry


GFWI Events

Please check your GFWI news letter for closing dates. If you wish to attend any events, please make sure you fill in the appropriate form and inform Emma.

GFWI have started to issue QR codes on application forms. If you wish to pay by card, then simply scan the QR code with the camera on your smartphone and it will automatically take you to the online link to pay for the event by card.

Payments through the QR Codes will be made directly to GFWI.

An application form for the event still needs to be completed so GFWI are aware of the names of the attendees


Glevum groups 


12th August Book Club 2pm

Held at at Kate Slim’s

The book chosen “Homecoming” by Sarah Morton

20th August Scrabble 2pm

Held at Viv Woodger’s 

27th August Knit & Natter 2pm

Held Kath Delaneys’



Trip to Bristol Hippodrome 10th April 2025 to see “Tina Turner” the musical 


The cost of the outing is £40.00.


You can pay by BACS if you prefer. Please email 


Next Meeting 10th September

“Introduction to Pam Ayres Poems”

A fun evening with Joy. 


We will be holding an auction at our November meeting to raise funds for our Golden anniversary celebrations.

 So if you are having a sort out don’t forget to hang on to anything you could donate